First trip to Uzbekistan

For the first time ever, team BTT has made it to Uzbekistan. The Asian state is experiencing a period of huge economic growth and is also the eighth country in the world for gold production. The county's growth is linked directly to the strategy of action for the five priority directions of the Republic of Uzbekistan development for 2017-2021, approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on 7 February 2017. This document marked a completely new approach to the country's strategic social planning.

The state programme has witnessed significant commitment from government agencies, NGOs and civic organisations, as well as the active participation of foreign specialists and international experts to ensure its effective implementation. To-date fifteen laws and over 700 regulatory and legal acts have been adopted to implement the action strategy and develop all spheres of state and public life.

The judicial system has been radically reformed and a single supreme judicial body, the Supreme Court of Uzbekistan, has been established; administrative courts have been set up to settle administrative disputes arising from public legal relations and administrative offences.

The system of home affairs institutions has been reformed, their main activity being to guarantee the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens. In developing and liberalising the economy, the tax system has also been reformed and provides for the granting of tax exemptions to commercial entities (good tax payers).  In this context, opportunities for companies have certainly increased and the market has benefited from the stability and vitality generated by the new economic and political system.

On our part, the trip served to present our services and technologies. Furthermore, BTT presented itself as a supplier of machinery for the gold working sector, analysis laboratories and precious metal recovery plants. Thanks to our experience acquired in over 40 years and the habit of completing complex orders we were able to present our skills with the solid back-up of case histories.

A great deal of interest was shown for the way in which BTT approaches the market, i.e. for the all-round service we are able to offer: from plant design to installation, from coaching to assistance.

Over the next few days the commercial relations established will be followed up and developed in an attempt to increase our presence in the eastern market.

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